
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS 安裝 Apache2, MySQL, PHP5, PHP-CLI, Pear, phpmyadmin

查看你的 Ubuntu 版本的指令

lsb_release -a

step 1. 先安裝 mysql-server

sudo apt-get install mysql-server
step 2. 安裝 Apache2, php5, php-cli, pear, phpmyadmin

sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 php5-mysql phpmyadmin php5-cli php-pear

step 3. 編輯 apache2.conf

sudo vi /etc/apache2/apache2.conf


Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf

重新啓動 Apache2

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2ctl restart

若可以透過 http://localhost/phpmyadmin 看到 phpmyadmin 大致上就沒問題了.

PS : 筆記而已, 參考就好.

另外有位高手透過 PS3 安裝 Ubuntu 與 LAMP + Symfony 很酷, 分享給大家




xDebug 2.0.5 現在已經內含在 MAMP 1.9 的版本

真是好消息 ~

之前用的 MAMP 版本是 1.8.4, 沒有 xDebug, 現在新的版本 1.9 就內建了, 已經幫你編譯好 xDebug,

只需要打開 php.ini 加入設定內容 :


重新啓動 MAMP 就可以使用 xDebug, 太棒了 !

現在可以一窺大型套件的內容了, Ya!

PS : 我有試過用自己編譯 xDebug, 版本是 2.0.4, 2.0.5, 2.0, xdebug-2.1.0RC1, 這三個版本,
努力了一個下午, 不行, 所以我才使用 MAMP 1.9, 因為它內建了...

若是要自己編譯 xDebug, 要注意編譯出的編號

xDebug 官方文件說明

Q: What to do with: Xdebug requires Zend Engine API version xxxxxxxx. The Zend Engine API version 2xxxxxxxx which is installed, is newer.
A: This message means that you are trying to load Xdebug with a PHP version for which it wasn't built. If you compiled PHP yourself, it is most likely because you compiled Xdebug against PHP headers that belong to a different PHP version that you're running. For example, you're using PHP 5.3 and the headers you're using are still PHP 5.2. If you are using a pre-compiled binary, then you're using the wrong one.
To diagnose if this is your problem, make the following steps:

* Check what the "Zend Extension" API number is of the PHP version that you are running by looking at phpinfo() (or "php -i") output. You can find it in the top part of the output, in the same block as the PHP logo and the PHP version. As examples, for PHP 5.2, the number is "220060519" and for PHP 5.3 it is "220090626".
* Check what the output of "phpize" is when you're completing the compilation steps. The number that you're looking for is on the line that says "Zend Extension Api No".

If the two numbers from above do not match, you're compiling with the wrong PHP headers. Refer to the next FAQ entry to figure out which phpize to use.

更多 xDebug 說明

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NetBeans 6.9 Beta Tutorials

可以用 NetBeans 開發 Zend Framework, 真棒 !

Zend Framework Support in NetBeans IDE


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